Our Vision
We are a small business that blends the latest systems and best practice with good ole fashion common sense to deliver innovative services and programs that better our community and our world.
Our Values

GCG’s Corporate Responsibility Program is derived from our commitment to be present for the people with whom we interact; be active contributors to our local community; and be exemplary in owning our part in global sustainability.
GCG’s culture is holistic and diverse, where our employees and our clients feel better and do better as a result of our collaboration.
As a Hispanic American, GCG’s founder is an active member of the Hispanic community in Northern Virginia.
“I am deeply grateful that on my journey, there have always been mentors and guides along the way,” says Andrea Hurtado-Mejia, “I believe it is a duty and an honour to help others grow and achieve their full potential.“
GCG regularly coaches. mentors and trains, Hispanic Americans with a variety of business best practices and tools. Last year, for example, GCG launched a free month-long, weekend Excel training program and taught basic Excel skills to individuals working in Construction, Food and Education industries as a tool to enhance their skill set and salaries.
GCG provides highly discounted services to NGOs that combat wildlife trafficking around the globe. In 2020 alone, we collaborated to provide grant proposal support to EIA, Focused Conservation, Freeland, IAPF, IFAW , PAMS, SPDA and WWF.
GCG is proud to support Wheels to Africa in their rebranding and marketing campaign that helps hundreds of families across Africa.